Will Hall's

journey through everything.

And just like that, another month has ebbed by; and with it, came an absolute dollop of wild tunes to get yo boogie down to. With some big new tunes from eisenach, some groovy vibes from Mk.gee and Thundercat, and the bombshell new album Orca from Gus Dapperton, September leaves little tune-juice un-sipped!

Listen to the playlist on Spotify.

Woah, sweet! Some picks of the month have to be Bluebird from Gus' album Orca, cz from Mk.gee and Color of the Year from eisenach. Huge shout out to Half Moon Run for giving that 70s vibe with their track Favourite Boy.

Another epic and unique find this month was that of the lovely Maggie Rogers who, after appearing in a Pharrell masterclass meme, became a world-class sensation.

Pharrell bops as music history is made.

A pure soul, telling the stories of life itself. Maggie Rogers is truly honest and upfront, translating personal moments into meaningful morsels of shared human experience. Distilling the very essence of our condition. Musicians, and all creatives for that matter, are imperative in allowing us all to understand each other better, since they can tap into the very things that make us act; that make us feel; that make us alive. They must shape the world just as any scientist or policymaker; for it is these creatives that lend the human aspect.

Well, as autumnal leaves begin to tumble as amber snow, I bid your coming weeks to be safe and loving. Until next time, stay groovy!

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© Will Hall 2020